This Man Surely Was the Son of God

This Man was Surely the Son of God

Hello everybody, Tim Montoya here with some thoughts on this Good Friday, the day our Lord and Savior was falsely condemned, horribly treated and crucified. It surely seems as if darkness and injustice reigns, but in Jesus we know it is only temporary. I know that Our Father in heaven through the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ tells us that He is our hope in the dark times we are living in. It seems divinely appropriate for us to have this time on our hands to consider our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what He meant when He prayed to His Abba Father, “everything is possible for You. Take this cup of suffering away from Me. But let what You want be done, not what I want.” (Mark 14:36) What Jesus experienced in the next 15+ hours were unfair, unjust, oppressive and horribly inhumane. Jesus voluntarily endured this in order to pay the penalty for our sins and thus He became a ransom for all of us. When I feel life is unfair, I think deeply about Jesus.

-Jesus was falsely arrested soon after He prayed that prayer 3 times. Judas proved to be more of an enemy of Jesus than a friend (Matthew 26:50). All the rest of His apostles deserted Him just like He said they would (Matt 26:31). Peter would, throughout the night, deny knowing Him 3 times and wept bitterly. I imagine these men spent the rest of their lives thanking God that He does not give them what their sin deserves but lavished His love and grace upon them.

-The following are the inconsistencies of the religious elites regarding their own laws.

At midnight Jesus is tried by the chief priests and a partial Sanhedrin. This was a violation of their own law. According to the Talmud, the Sanhedrin is forbidden from convening between the time of evening and morning sacrifice.The Sanhedrin did not and could not originate charges.

This banana court trial began without witnesses to charge Him. False witnesses were later found and twisted and added to His words.

Their Mishna states, “Let a capital offense be tried during the day but suspend at night.”

They shall not judge on the eve of the Sabbath, nor on any festival.

This Man was Surely the Son of God

By 9 am Jesus is unjustly condemned by the religious elites, the ignorant and fickle social mob, and a weak politician and was crucified by ignorant Roman soldiers.

(Mark 15:25)

I appreciate what Tim Keller writes:
“Have you been betrayed? Have you been lonely? Have you been destitute? Have you faced death? So has He! …Jesus knows the pain of unanswered prayer. Some say, ‘I feel like God has abandoned me.’ What do you think Jesus was saying on the cross when He said, ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me.’ Christianity says God has been all the places you have been; He has been in the darkness you are in now, and more. And, therefore, you can trust Him; you can rely on Him, because He knows and has the power to comfort, strengthen, and bring you through.” (Hidden Christmas)

I appreciate even more what the Apostle Peter wrote:
“…He left you an example that He expects you to follow. Scripture says, He didn’t commit any sin. No lies ever came out of His mouth (Isa 53:9). People shouted at Him and made fun of Him. But He didn’t do the same thing back to them. When He suffered, He didn’t say He would make them suffer. Instead, He trusted in the God Who judges fairly. He Himself carried our sins’ in His body on the cross. (Isa 53:5) He did it so that we would die as far as sins are concerned. Then we would lead godly lives. His wounds have healed you. You were like sheep wandering away (Isa 53:5-6). But now you have returned to your Shepherd and the One who watches over your souls.

1 Peter 2:21-25

“A criminal case resulting in acquittal of the accused may not terminate the same day on which the trial began. But if a sentence of death is to be pronounced, it cannot be concluded before the following day.”
Jesus was arrested, tried, falsely condemned with out credible witnesses on either side, and crucified in 9 hours’ time. Surely darkness seemed to reign, but Resurrection Sunday was on the way.

This Man was Surely the Son of God

-The once ignorant Roman soldier witnessed how God’s Messiah dies for His people. He saw Jesus pray for those who were hurting and killing Him. He saw Him assure a repentant criminal of salvation. He saw Him praying to His Father and take His last breath. Jesus was saving souls with His dying breath.

With a loud cry, Jesus took His last breath…A Roman commander was standing there in front of Jesus. He saw how Jesus died. Then he said, “This man was surely the Son of God!” Mark 15:37,39
We also can say Jesus is
our example of suffering. In the suffering there is victory!

-In this dark time, we must continually plead with our God to continue to transform our hearts and minds to be like His Son Jesus Christ’s heart and mind.
When I feel overwhelmed or anxious, angry, discouraged, etc…. I
—Take some time to breathe 3 cleansing breaths,

—Be silent for a few minutes while in your mind say Thank You Father, Thank You Lord Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You GOD.

-Ask Him and yourself, “What is my most anxious, sad, angry or negative thought right now?
have these influenced how you treat others right now? How you feel about God? -Write it/them down in your prayer journal and bring to the Lord in prayer for transformation to His glory and your emotional well-being.

-Plead with Him to fill you with His fruit. Galatians 5:22—Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-discipline.

-Remember what our Father in Heaven promises you.
“So, do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will hold you safe in My hands. I always do what is right.”

Isaiah 41:10

-And What Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said on the night He was arrested:

This Man was Surely the Son of God

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in ME you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation but take courage; I have overcome this world.” John 16:33

May the Lord bless you; May the Lord protect you; May He shine His face upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord smile on you and give you Peace.

Discussion Questions:

1)  Amid measures like “social distancing” to stem the spread of the CoVid-19 outbreak, how can the church continue to remember and celebrate what Jesus has done for us?

2)  What practical and innovative ways can we explore to mark Jesus’ sacrifice and suffering as fellow believers/followers?
Consider 1 Peter 2: 21-25

3)  How can we continue to show brotherly love even when we cannot physically meet?

4)  How can we as fellow disciples of Jesus remain united in our faith and worship of our Lord Jesus?